Direktlänk till inlägg 27 juni 2011

Subscribe or unsubscribe, the double-edged sward to email marketing

Av Rabby Hayden - 27 juni 2011 09:49
Permission-based list of recipients what type?
In the past, to establish a recipient list, will be in their place a subscription box on the website, customer registration, or to purchase products when they check subscription. However, if people asked: "Your recipient list is permission-it? Whether through a dual license?" You may look confused, not knowing what he was saying.

There are three ways to establish a recipient list: hidden license, permit, and a double one-way permit. In this, PHPKode you details of these three different ways, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Implicit permission-based list
Implicit license means that when someone register on your site or purchase, they also will tacitly agree to accept your mail. Although they can then unsubscribe, but then they also have indirectly agreed to receive e-mail you send them.

The advantages of this approach can quickly expand your list of recipients. If each of you have been operating on the site who have become your recipient, then there is no doubt that your list will be quickly enriched. Many people began to not take the initiative to subscribe to your e-mail, but in the end they often find themselves like to receive your news letter or promotional information, and gradually become active readers and customers.

The disadvantage is that this approach will increase the probability of spam complaints. Because people forget they have subscribed to your e-mail, some people will think is you "cheat", and when these people received the message, will not hesitate to report you to send spam. This will also bring long-term and short-term negative impact. In the short term, this will make your email marketing statistics do not look so optimistic; the long term, above-average number of spam complaints will send you e-mail reputation irreparable damage, ultimately leading to all of you e-mail will go directly to junk mail box.

One-way permission-based list
One-way permit is active customers choose to join your list of recipients, usually in two ways: in the customer registration or purchase your products and services, so that they check a box; on the site put a special news letter subscription box. Customers enter their e-mail address, opt to receive your mail, then click the button to submit information. In addition to e-mail address, you can collect additional customer information.

Advantage of this approach is that customers take the initiative to show they are willing to receive your e-mail so the mail is issued, the effect would be better.

However, nothing is perfect, this approach also has a lack of places. Your recipient list will grow slower, because there are so many people do not take the initiative to register or subscribe to your email marketing software. At the same time, unlike the dual license, is likely to directly help people subscribe to their friends and relatives, leading you increase the number of spam complaints.

Permission-based list of double
Construction of the table in three ways, this one is the most difficult, but also the safest, highest return on investment, because the list of recipients are high-quality potential customers. The so-called dual-license, that the customer first initiative as described above by adding to your recipient list, then they will receive a confirmation e-mail, only they click the confirmation link in this message, their e-mail address will really enter your recipient list. In other words, even if they enter a valid e-mail address, choose to allow you to send them a mail box, they must also be confirmed by clicking the link in the message to prove that they do have the mail and make sure to add to your collection pieces of people list.

This list is it? I believe you can see, this is to establish a list of the slowest speed. Registration or subscription have to make people feel very cumbersome, not to mention also the second confirmed! Although many people are accustomed to dual-license process, but only really interested in your e-mail case, they will spend their time and effort to register and confirm.

Advantage of this approach are equally obvious. First, you can determine the recipients actually want to receive your mail. Although this does not completely solve your spam complaints and delivery rate, but at least mitigated. Secondly, if the mail service provider is charging you according to the number of recipients, then choose this way of construction of the table means that your return on investment will be higher, because your list contains an invalid e-mail address is relatively small. Finally, even if you received spam complaints, you can more effectively defend themselves (recommended when the recipient clicks the confirmation link to record e-mail address, IP and date).

Three kinds of construction methods are introduced over the table, which is more suitable for you, only you know. If you are now the primary task is to quickly expand your list of recipients, that license type should be relatively invisible for you. If you want a list of high quality security, then try the one-way permission-or dual-license style bar. In addition, the recipient list in the lease or purchase, do not forget to ask this list was originally created by what means, is implicit permission, license or double one-way permit.

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